Friday, January 27, 2006

I want to ...

There are looots n loots of things I have always wanted to do... But haven't been able to do either due to something or other ... and most important my laziness... :-D

Learn to play guitar and piano. I have been fascination for both of them since childhood. I managed to buy a guitar this time ... but not much progress afterwards... :-(

Learn French. I love reading and I have heard lots n lots about French literature. I want to learn French to read all those books. Somehow I feel translated books don't have that essence which original books give you. I also want to learn Bengali... to read all Sarathchandra and Rabindranath Tagore and many more great creations.

Fly an airplane. There was time when I wanted to become a pilot ... an airforce pilot. When I was a child I had this fascination to up to skies. I have fascination for the army life. Sometimes I wish I could marry an army professional.

Become a model. I know that sounds funny but yeah... I wanted to be one. I had this major complex about being fat, not looking good.. etc etc. So used to dream of being the most beautiful girl.. slim and trim...perfect 10... And my idea of beautiful gal was ... only the one who walks on ramp.. wearing most beautiful cloths.

Become a dress designer...or architect. Those beautiful dresses and buildings beckon me always. I was good at drawing and all those artistic things. I wish I were bad in studies and could go to one of these courses.

Write great books on computer science... like the "The art of computer programming". I dreamed of becoming a academician. Do my Masters and further studies in Berkeley or Stanford and then come back to IIT...Be a good proff. Write most amazing books in computer science. I always used to write my name in the authors' list on every book .. :-D

Become animation artist. I am in sooo in love with animation. And I want to make one of my own. I won't mind taking it up as my full time job.

Become a commercial artist. Well I know I am not that great in drawings(couldn't get through the basic drawing exams :D) but I love to draw. When I was in school, I used imagine that they will have drawing as full time subject and other subjects as optional (In real life they have drawing as optional subject. Only one class per week :-( )...;-)

Travel all over India and world. I particularly wish to follow PuLas trail as he has written in "Poorvaranga". I have lived those moments through his words and want to experience them all by myself. I don't want to visit them for the sake of visiting.

Become housewife. Become the most loving and caring wife on the world, in a perfect family with loving husband and sweet children in a big house like they show in Yash Chopra movies... I will cook different dishes for my dear husband, clean the house, play a perfect host for his parties, kiss him good bye in the morning and wait for him in the evening with hot pakors and tea...Enjoy kiti parties and "Saans-bahu" serials...Do "silai-kadhai-bunai" at home..Be the perfect mother to my children. And live happily ever after .... he he he... It was one of my fantasies ... I know I can never be sooo good.. but whats bad in fantasizing .. ;-)

Have a house on sea shore or at least by riverside or lakeside. I want to get up everyday with cool breeze on my face... run on the deserted beaches barefoot and spend my nights on the sand, listening to the waves and watching the starry skies.... him being on my side ... for all my life

Become a level headed person.. a rational thinker... who can be indifferent to all the worries of this stupid world...all those politics.. love...hate..anger. I loose my mental balnce verry easily and go nuts. I don't like that ... :-)

Go on cruise with my beloved

Become a carpenter or mechanic. Yeah.. it is much better than this software engineer's job. You can handle things with you stupid virtuality. I like joining bits and pieces together and make useful things from them. I used to fix things at home.. I still do. My sister still calls me carpenter...

Do MA in history. Do research on Indian History. I loved studying history since childhood. Something unusual for a person who is also good at mathematics and sciences. I actually got equal marks in Maths, Science and Social sciences in my SSC exams..(equal means 145+ out of 150 in all the three subjects....:-) ).. But me poor victim of the "engineering and medical are the only streams worth studying" mentality... :-)

Find love of my life. Someone for whom I can forget everything even myself. I don't know if he exists ...

Hmmm... so many of them. I can't remember all of them at once...will be adding more as and when I remember them ... :-)

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