Wednesday, March 29, 2006

My favorite Day

What is the your favorite day in the week?

Well it may sound weird but I have my favorite day in week.

I like Wednesdays. Well there is no particular reason but I like the day just like that :-).

When I was in school Wednesday was the day when we could were our regular dresses to school. (Yeah... In my area not all students could afford to have two sets of school uniform. So we used to have Wednesday and Thursday off for uniform. ). So I always used to look forward to Wednesdays to wear new cloths :D
The trend continues till now. I still wear new clothes particularly on Wednesdays.

Then they used to have "Chitrahaar" on TV. Our only source of entertainment in school days.
It continued in college too. Initially, our only source of entertainment was the "Chitrahaar" on Wednesdays (and yeah "Chaayaageet" on Sundays). So we would make sure that we are in mess right around 7:30, grab our plates and find a seat near to the TV. Some gals would even grab place on floor near the TV. We wouldn;t even hesitate to climb on the mess table to get perfect view of the tiny TV set. We would sing along with all the songs. It used to be helluva fun !!! :-) And yeah .... we would even get relieved from ragging in first year as all our seniors used to be busy watching it :D.

Hmmm... So the point is

I love Wednesdays !!!


Sunshine said...

Hey u remember History classes on Sunday at 12'o clk... Shinde was nt used to cm bcos of chayageet..n we wr used to wait till 2..Imnta ho gayi intjar ki..;D

Unknown said...

How can I forgot those ... !!!
We had big time fights with our school management for that .. :-)