Thursday, December 07, 2006

What do you want from work?

There was supposed to be some skip level meeting for which we were supposed to give feedback for our manager and work condition requirements in general. A teammate was taking responses. There were usual answers like more money, better communication etc and one guy got over enthusiastic he demanded he wants a laptop at home with wireless connection and 17’ TFT monitor in office. Then the serious discussion took different route, one guy wanted work place tree shade in the garden and freedom to use any place as workstation in the office. Other one wanted closed individual cubicle so that no one will be able to disturb him work (or no work :-D). One wanted a bean bag instead of chair. Another wanted a masseur to relax him when he gets tired of working continuously. Another one wanted a personal refrigerator loaded with all kinds of drinks and food. One wanted monthly personal purchasing allowance (his claim was some other company gives it). I wanted a sofa with foot rest, also a bed to steal nap once in a while :-), ability to switch my mind off in boring meetings. And then our imaginations started running really wild. I couldn’t stop giggling.

I think when it comes to demanding facilities we "IT" people have always something or other to demand. Free food, drinks, more money, holidays, onsite trips, team outings and what not and we still are not happy. Just look at people working in other industries. Being daughter of a dedicated private medical practioner I never knew that people can actually take few days off from work. I saw my uncles working with government offices, they would give their life to save a late mark in office and here no one even cares what time I come to office or not. When I tell my uncle that there is no fixed timing for my office he gets astonished, He always says “what kind of office is yours? How do they manage to pay you money with such working style?” I have no answer. It is also not acceptable for him that I refer to my manger by first name and don’t call him “Sir”. For my friend working in Finance sector, Saturday off sounds luxury and for another friend from school it is difficult to accept that I don’t need to write leave letter. Life has changed so much.

Then I wonder, isn’t it stupid of me cribbing about bad work? I guess not, work does matter more than these facilities.

What do you people say?


Anonymous said...

Here are my two cents. There are two ways looking at this.One is thru eyes of our parents who spent their life working as government employees or friends working in say,mechanical engg field.They will probably say that we are highly overpaid ,and dont really deserve kind of moolah.Second is thru eyes of an American who wud feel you and me are no more than cheap labour. Its globalisation :)

Shirsha said...

After some time, nothing really matters. Life takes bigger turns and career is third on the chart of priorities... Even if you want to drag it up the chart, you realise u dont really want to..
and sometimes this freakis hfeeling of doing 'something different' comes up....
Demands evolve!