Whole day I am surfing the web nervously, from one news site to another. Reading minute by minute account of the situation, looking for signs of relief. Somebody report that it's all over. Somebody please report that it was just a bad dream. I have spent sleepless night and breathless days. Not been able to work properly. It's sad very very sad.
Do I have someone there ?
Yes. The whole city !
Somehow the news of rescues and bravery of armed forces don't console me. Why do the have be used at first places? I don't like the phrase "Spirit of Mumbai". The city has no option but to run, it has no saviour. The city has been raped again and again for wrong issues be it jihad or marathi manus or lack of political will of the so-called leaders. It is the price the city is paying for being the most vibrant, accepting city in the world, for providing economical lifeline to a county of billion people.
I am ashamed that I cannot do anything about it but blog.
I cry for you Mumbai, my beloved city...
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