Thursday, February 02, 2006

"Seeing" a guy

There are somethings in life which you cannot avoid ...

Being a Indian girl and so-called "eligible" to get married, and not having found a life partner on your own, yau have to pass a ceremoney called "seeing" a guy (word-to-word translation of "ladka dekhana"... :-D). There you are supposed to dress-up, speak good things about you, answer all the questions. I heard even they ask you to walk in front of them (just make sure you don't have any defect in your feet)... Great !!!

How can you judge someone in just one look ??

I have funny anology for that ...

Its like a product being shown to a potential customer.
As a manufacturer you take all the care to make you product "presentable". Most customer go for the look of the product...reliability matters least.

When you go shopping you check out the look and feel of the product, color etc, you cannot predict about its reliability and functionality. Try to get reviews from different sources, evaluate with other compititive products, see the manufacturing companies history. And then decide on the product. After that the reliability and usability depends on all your luck and also how you handle it.

Only difference is we cannot replace(or just throw) the product easily... and all we left with is to cribb all our life .. :-)

... Hahh...

Our Indian arranged marriage process goes more or less like that. First you see "kundali" of the guy or gal, see the photograph, enquire about their family, evaluate with other prospects and then decide. Its all stupid. We all do agree with that and still go for it for whatever reasons ...

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